803 Search Results for:

A second chance at life – Nashon’s story

“I had this severe chest pain at school, and I had a really hard time breathing.” Nashon was nine years old when he was told he had a heart condition. […]

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Gift From The Heart

Your ‘gift from the heart’ will help vulnerable people who need it most. Help gift surgical best practice to the most disadvantages communities on the planet. You can ‘Save One, […]

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Synthetic Heart Valve

Children with Rheumatic Heart Disease face certain death. Without treatment their hearts will become weaker, strained, and eventually fail. Your gift can give a child a second chance at life.

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Sponsor a Nurse

Nurses are vital in helping patients recuperate after life-saving surgery. Your gift today will sponsor an Australian nurse to join our volunteer teams and provide post-operative care to those undergoing […]

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Perfusion Supplies

During an open-heart surgery, a patient is kept alive by circulating their blood through a Heart Lung Machine. Your gift can provide everything that is needed to run this machine […]

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Theatre Pack

Every surgery requires medical consumables such as syringes, sutures, medical tapes and more. Your gift can provide the essential supplies required in the operating theatre.

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Amelika’s Life-Saving Surgery

When Amelika* was 12 years old, she noticed that something was wrong. She would lose her breath walking from the living room to her bedroom, and she was constantly feeling […]

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Bringing life-saving surgery to Tonga – Amelika’s story

From the outside, Amelika* looks like any other 14-year-old girl. But on the inside, Amelika’s heart is failing. When she was 12 years old, Amelika would lose her breath walking […]

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Supporter Survey

Thank you for supporting Open Heart International. We want to hear from you. Please take a moment to complete our Supporter Survey to share with us what matters to you.

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The Open Line Newsletter – March 2022

A message from Annette Baldwin, Interim Operations Coordinator “I am excited for what lies ahead for us and hope that you will continue to stay on this journey with Open […]

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Training Nurses in Nepal

“I knew about prolapse but I didn’t have the appropriate knowledge and skills for examination and management of the case.” Ranjita is an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in Nepal. For three […]

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Support for Tonga during COVID-19

While COVID-19 prevents Open Heart International volunteers from travelling to Tonga, advances in internet connectivity on the friendly islands is making remote support easier than ever before. The original project […]

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Post-Operative Hospital Stay

Your gift can provide a comfortable hospital stay post-surgery, and is a vital step on the road to recovery for patients.

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Intensive Care Supplies

Your selfless gift today will provide for a heart surgery patient at their most vulnerable time, ensuring there are the right supplies available to get them back on their feet.

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Oxygen Masks

Oxygen masks are a vital part of surgery. You can provide oxygen masks and critical care supplies to a patient receiving surgery and help save their life.

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Surgical Gloves

Your helping hand today can help ensure patients are being looked after with the highest possible standards. By purchasing a box of surgical gloves, you can help ensure sterility and […]

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Surgical Instrument Kit

Wear and tear is a normal part of life, especially for surgical instruments. And replacements and repairs are always needed. You can help put the right instruments into the right […]

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SOS Airplane Ticket

Our volunteers love to cover their costs, but occasionally unexpected circumstances occur which can leave a team critically short in medical expertise. By providing this gift, you will be ensuring […]

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Training a Partner Clinician

This is a gift that just keeps on giving. By covering the costs for one of our international partner clinicians to join a team in another country, you have provided […]

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Dressing Pack for 100 patients

Keeping a wound clean, dry and covered is essential to a quick recovery. You can provide basic dressing packs for 100 patients to ensure each patient gets the necessary care […]

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Cardiac Surgery

A gift like no other, the gift of a second chance at life, and a gift that covers an entire heart operation.

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We’ve joined the search for adventurous clinicians

Is your next job in Papua New Guinea? Are you looking for a sea-change and an adventure? We might be able to link you to your next exciting career role! […]

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TALES FROM THE FIELD – COVID-19 Support in Nepal

The impact of COVID-19 has been felt hard in Nepal. As at 31st August 2020 there have been over 38,500 cases and 220 deaths. Cases are still increasing. The impact […]

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Saturday 22nd February 2020 Friday saw the final two surgical cases complete, with a total of 13 patients receiving life-changing surgery over the course of the week. Now with the […]

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Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November 2019 And just like that, it is a wrap for our Tanzanian cardiac trip for November! With life-changing open heart surgery provided to 11 […]

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Thursday 19th September 2019 To see the dramatic change in the children this week is nothing short of incredible. The volunteer Doctors and Nurses see these surgeries on a daily […]

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Volunteer Induction

Our values and who we are We are so glad you have chosen to volunteer with Open Heart International – you’ve made a great choice. For over 30 years, with […]

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Daily Update – Saturday 3rd August 2019 Yesterday was comprised by a series of lectures in an educational symposium. Featuring many speakers across multiple disciplines the focus was on cardiac […]

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Daily Update – Friday 10th May 2019 Daily Update – Wednesday 8th May 2019 Daily Update – Tuesday 7th May 2019

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Daily Update – Thursday 30th May 2019 More tales from Taveuni – Thursday 30th May 2019 We are back and full-steam ahead. It’s another beautiful sunny day, and we are […]

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Tales from the Field – Nepal Burns 2019

Ram Shanker’s journey. Ram Shanker is a 50-year-old man that wants nothing more than to drink and eat normally again. Ram fell into a fire a few years ago while […]

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Tales from the field – Tanzania March 2019

Sunday 24th March 2019 – “Surrounded by Heroes” After a turbulent two weeks of trying to keep up with this Tanzanian team, I have no doubt that all the Open […]

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Another successful week in Port Moresby

For Open Heart International, 2019 kicked off in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea with a week-long surgical visit. 8 children received life changing surgery. Most importantly, the local PNG clinicians […]

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Code of Conduct

ADRA Australia / Open Heart International Code of Conduct 1. Purpose and Scope This Code of Conduct sets out the expectations for the behaviour and standards of professional and personal […]

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Volunteer Agreement

BETWEEN ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT & RELIEF AGENCY AUSTRALIA LIMITED TRADING AS OPEN HEART INTERNATIONAL(ABN 85 109 435 618) being a company incorporated in Australia and having its head office at 146 […]

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Our Corporate Partners

We are grateful for the amazing support of these organisations. Without our supporters and partners we would not be able to continue the work we do around the world. We […]

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Solomon Islands

Open Heart International are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical humanitarian aid in 3rd world locations such as the Solomon Islands. What does clinical humanitarian aid in […]

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Papua New Guinea

OHI are proud to be taking part in healthcare missions as well as healthcare relief assistance in 3rd world locations including Papua New Guinea. Exactly what does healthcare humanitarian assistance […]

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East Africa

Open Heart International are happy to be taking part in healthcare missions as well as healthcare relief aid in 3rd world locations such as Rwanda & Tanzania. What does clinical […]

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Our Story

Our purpose is to facilitate medical best practice in vulnerable communities to transform lives. Save One, Save Many We have a long-term commitment to creating local self-sufficiency, not band-aid solutions. […]

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Burns Surgery

Globally there are more than 300,000 deaths annually as a result of fire related burns. 95% of these occur in low and middle income countries with illiteracy, poverty and high […]

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Eye Surgery

It is estimated that 37 million people worldwide are blind. In 18 million of these cases, their blindness is related to cataracts. A cataract is a clouding of the lens […]

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Women’s Health

Too painful and often debilitating conditions that continue to plague women of developing countries post childbirth are uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula. You can read additional information about these conditions […]

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A beautiful gift

A birthday gift for a young patient, Franz.

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Up, Up and Away

The team have started surgeries with 2 ladies already receiving life changing surgery

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Going to the ends of the earth

The team have arrived and are settling into life in Bolivia

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The Final Goodbyes

And that is another PNG project complete for another year, until 2019.

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Drawing to a close

The week has drawn to a close with 11 life changing surgeries being completed, not to mention the countless hours of training and education.

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On going support

Yesterday was the last day of surgery with 11 cases completed by the PNG and OHI team.

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Continual training

Time and time again you will hear we are about training and skill transfer...

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Yet another successful day

Another day passes and more teaching, skill transfer and surgeries have been done in PNG.

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and away we go…

The OHI and local team have started surgery at Port Moresby General Hospital with continual skill transfer and training as their main goal.

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We’re back at PomGen

OHI's second visit for the year to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea has begun

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A deep appreciation

As the project concludes...

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Seeing the Forest

A fresh perspective

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Visitors from 2017

Three amazing success stories from lasts years project

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A day in the life of a Doctor

Here is a snap shot into the view of a Doctor's day

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Hitting top gear

The team are hitting top gear in Fiji for another year.

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The team and their roles

Here is a brief snapshot of our team and their roles

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Welcome to Ahmedabad

Finding their feet.

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Making it all happen

Behind the scenes on how an OHI project comes to life...

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Glenys Chapman 2018 Scholarship now open

2018 Applications welcome from San New Graduate Nurses

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Volunteer Registration

Volunteer Registration – Medical & Nursing Positions As a result of Covid-19, there are no project visits currently being planned. Please choose the default “Australia” project of interest so that […]

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tunakushukuru – we thank you!

The project is coming to an end...

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Mending all sorts of hearts

There is a big variety of complex surgeries not to mention the big age range...

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NI BUZZ GANI … what’s the buzz?!?

There is a lot of girl power going on with this team of professionals.

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A peek into your world

A sneak peek into a patients world as well as the operating theatres.

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MIFUMO YOTE INAKWENDA – all systems go

It is all systems got here in Tanzania with two theatres working simultaneously

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KAZI YA TIMU “teamwork” in Tanzania

The team is pulling together to have a successful week ahead.

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Jambo! Jambo!

The successful education training has come to an end, now for surgery.

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We come to an end

After a jam packed week the project comes to an end

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Saving little lives

Another day in Yangon with plenty happening across all areas.

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Full swing across 4 hospitals

All four teams were anxious to get back to their respective hospitals this morning to check on their patients and begin more surgery. My day started at Yankin children’s Hospital […]

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Getting down to business

Patient reviews, teaching, and spending money

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Welcome back

Touchdown in Myanmar for the 29th time

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A heart of Gold

It is Russell Lee's last project as a Project Coordinator after 30 years.

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Winding down

The project is winding down for the week and the patients are making their way to the ward.

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Where the action unfolds

Theatre is where it all happens...

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An electric buzz in the air

There is an electric buzz in the air, something I like to call "Open Heart International"

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Teaching, Learning, Repeat

Teaching is the major part of our project goals in Papua New Guinea.

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No ulterior motives

Day two in PNG and two patients are in ICU transitioning to the ward.

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A pretty special place

A team of 17 volunteers have arrived in PNG to provide paediatric cardiac surgery.

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2016-2017 Annual Review

We are very excited to be able to present the 2016-2017 Annual Review. “Ourcapacity to respond and ourprogram activity has continued to evolveand expandthis year. We added a new location […]

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Always flexible

The team have had a successful training course the week before the main team arrived.

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Working in Unison

The team are working well together to ensure the best outcome for our patients, it is all about best practice!

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Joining together

The team of 32 volunteers have arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for OHI's last project of 2017.

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Clean up and pack down

The team are packing up and finalising the clean-up and resources to leave behind for the hospital. This year Open Heart International (OHI) received a generous donation of a microscope […]

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Last day of surgery

It has been a very busy eight days for the Open Heart International team with 84 patients receiving life changing surgery.

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Not a typical weekend

It was not a typical weekend for two of our volunteers who headed out to meet up with past patients.

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The end of a week

At the end of our first week here in the Philippines the team have completed over 60 eye surgeries.

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Giving back

Dr Geoffrey Painter is one of the pioneering members for this project...

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The road to sight

An insight into a non-medical perspective

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All systems go!

The team are busy screening patients ready for surgery

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The beginning…

The team of 7 arrive safely in the Philippines to under go eye surgery

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Packing time

The team have finished their cases with 22 people receiving life changing surgery

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Hearts and Minds

School-based screening program identifying heart conditions in Tongan children.

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Leading with heart

The Honourable Minister of Health Dr Said Ma'u Piukala sat down to talk OHI.

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Smiles and Laughter

The ward is buzzing with plenty of post-op patients

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Working from the heart

Dr Liz is one of our surgeons from Papua New Guinea who has joined the team in Tonga.

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Final Farewell to David Baines

It is David Baines last hurrah after 26 years of volunteering

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A magical evening

The team experience a magical evening in Tonga

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Adult week comes to an end

The adult week has come to a close, but the paediatric week has begun!

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The OHI starboy

A patient visit from 2015

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The heart team

The atmosphere of the team is great with everyone working together.

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The heart team

Building capacity within communities is based on establishing relationships of trust, respect and a united purpose. Observing the local staff and visiting Open Heart International (OHI) teams working side-by-side, it […]

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Apprehension and Hope

Paediatric week commences and Adult surgery continues.

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Engaging with community spirit

The surgeries are in full swing and the team are loving the Tongan hospitality.

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The Tongan team comes together

The main adult team are in Tonga ready to begin.

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Glenys Chapman Scholarship now open

Applications welcome from San New Graduate Nurses

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A patient’s journey

A day in the life of a patient.

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Until next time

The farewells, packing and final handovers are all underway for the teams departure today.

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Last day of cases

Friday saw the last day of cases for the team in PNG and 11 children have received life-changing surgery.

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Little hearts on the mend

After one last case yesterday all the little hearts are on the mend...

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Pumping Blood…Perfusion

Lindy is a first time volunteer with OHI but volunteering is not a foreign concept for her...

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A huge ‘tenkyu’

Alot of effort has been put in by a number of people to make this project possible...

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Teaching and learning come hand in hand

The OHI team are doing a wonderful job of teaching and the local team are doing an exceptional job of learning

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Leading the way

The local staff are leading the way with patient care and management

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First timers in Papua New Guinea

There are a few first time volunteers with our team in Papua New Guinea.

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Friends both old and new

There are veteran volunteers and newbies...

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Full steam ahead

Everyone is getting into the routine in Papua New Guinea.

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Day one of operations complete

The first day of surgery is done and dusted.

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The team have landed!

The team of 20 volunteers have arrived safe and sound in PNG ready for a week worth of cardiac surgery

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Final words for Fiji 2017

Melanie Windus, Project Coordinator has some final words on the 2017 OHI Fiji project.

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Don’t show me the money, show me the truth

As Christians, our task is to be light in the darkest places. We do all that we do in service to our great God. We do it in His strength […]

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An amazing week

Dr Subodh Ganu is a paediatric Intensivist from South Australia, who has had the pleasure of joining the OHI team for a second time.

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A jolly good time

Krystal Jolly is a first time volunteer with Open Heart International and reflects on the past weeks experience.

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New Beginnings

There are new beginnings all around with first time volunteers from NZ experiencing Open heart International, as well as our 800th Patient in Fiji having life changing surgery.

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Special Reminder

The Fiji project is always a special reminder for our volunteers

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Challenges Conquered

After a number of hiccups along the way, the team are powering full steam ahead - unstoppable!

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20th and final trip to Fiji for Dr David Baines

David Baines has been a long-term volunteer of Open Heart International and it is his final trip to Fiji after attending 20 projects.

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Screening team return from FIji

Last week a team of seven volunteers travelled to Fiji to complete the screening in time for the surgical team in June.

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47 Patients

A summary of another very successful year for the Burns team 2017.

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Earthquake patient

Yesterday the team preformed surgery not on a burns patient but a young girl who was injured in the 2015 Nepal earthquake and had a skin contracture. She lives in Sindulpalchok which was the Epi Centre of the Earthquake, here is Soniya's story.

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First week concluded, second week commencing!

The Nepal burns project is well underway with the first week concluding and the second week commencing in full swing.

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Surgery is underway

Assessments are over and the team has begun surgery

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28 new Volunteers arrive in Nepal

The Nepal Women's health team has finished and the Burns surgery team have arrived for another 2 weeks of surgery.

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Team Reflections

Why are we here?

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Surgery is only half the goal

We teach as well as treat

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Rina’s story

Difficult access to healthcare has devastating social impact

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Life outside of work

Getting some fresh air

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Getting in to gear

The team goes about business like a well oiled machine

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Touchdown at last

After months of planning, we're back in Nepal

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Patients are coming from far and wide

Jakaya Kiwere Cardiac Institute is the biggest national referral Hospital.

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Same cause

The team are back in Dar es Salaam and are partnering with Mending Kids this project

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What a day looks like in Myanmar

A snap shot of what a day looks like over three Hospitals.

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The Stories

There are plenty of stories that come hand in hand with our projects

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Different Hospitals, Same Country

A busy couple of days in Myanmar.

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We are back again

The team is back in Myanmar, starting off 2017 for Open Heart International.

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Volunteer Administrative Assistant

We are looking for a volunteer to assist in our day-to-day management!

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Syria: a new year, a continuing crisis

As we wind up celebrations for one of the most significant events on the Christian calendar, Syria – the Cradle of Christianity – enters thesixth year of a conflict that […]

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cardiologist: Dr Daniel Mclennan

Dr Daniel McLennan is our cardiologist who returned to Tanzania on our most recent project

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Intensivist: Dr Simon Erickson

Dr Simon Erickson, a paediatric Intensivist on the mission to Tanzania shares his highlights of the project.

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Wrapping up the project to Tanzania

And that is a wrap for Tanzania 2016

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Great news – second lot has arrived!

Great news, the second lot of consumables have arrived.

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Getting into the rhythm

The team are getting into the rhythm, all working well together

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First day of surgery

surgery is underway in Tanzania

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Preperation complete

The setup and preparation is complete for the surgeries to begin.

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Different Tasks

The team have all come together to get everything set up for surgery tomorrow.

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The first arrivals

The first of the team have started arriving in Dar Es Salaam for the final project for the year

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Goodbye little hearts of Myanmar

Another project complete for Myanmar

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Farewell Cambodia

After 10 amazing years and 11 projects, the Cambodia cardiac project has finished.

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At the end of the day

10 children have received life changing surgery

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A new beginning

Happy, happy, so enthusiastically happy!

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An international wonder in itself

The United Nations of the Operating Theatre

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Like an ants nest

Is the body really like an ants nest?

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Laughter is the best medicine

Keeping patients active is the priority.

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The baby with no name

By the light of a torch

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The Need

The screening process continues, and the first surgery is underway.

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A special place in our hearts

The team return for the final project visit in Cambodia

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Brave Boy

The day after surgery

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The Big Day

Little 'Dana' gets his heart operation

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The Choice

The team are selecting patients for surgery

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The Journey Across

The journey to Myanmar

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Big Hearts, Busy Hands

Great things begin with big dreams but it takes unwavering determination, big hearts and incredible generosity to bring them to fruition. Such was the case with Open Heart International’s Bolivia […]

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One Heart Many Hands

It has been a huge week for the OHI team here in Cochambamba, Bolivia

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A moving story

A life changed...

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A new day, a New case…or two

Another day of surgery in Bolivia for the 11 Australian medical volunteers

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We have arrived!

The team of 11 medical volunteers have arrived safely in Cochabamba

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ADRA Embraces Open Heart International

Open Heart International (OHI) is being transferred from Adventist Healthcare Limited (AHCL) to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Australia. The change is being made to leverage opportunities for […]

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OHI to join forces with ADRA Australia

Open Heart International and ADRA Australia are joining forces

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Papua New Guinea July trip postponed

In consultation with our colleagues at Port Moresby General Hospital, Open Heart International has made a decision to aboard the scheduled delivery to Port Moresby later on this week.

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ADRA Appeal $50 Challenge

Thanks for taking part in the 2017 ADRA Appeal! All volunteers are required to register with ADRA Australia, whether participating in a door-knock activity, public place collection or any other […]

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Cambodia Cardiac Project Ceasing

October 2016 will be Open Heart International's last cardiac visit to Angkor Hospital for Children

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What Kind of Freedom?

There’s a stranger in her kitchen and three-year-old Meita doesn’t welcome the intrusion. Eating a bowl of rice with her mother and six sisters in their rugged kitchen, Meita’s round […]

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How we role

We have 10 volunteers in India, here is a quick overview of each of their roles for the team

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I Do Not Want to Remember: Said’s Story

Said is only 14, but has experienced hardships that no child should face. In Serbia, he shared his family’s story: “Mum and dad told us that we are going to […]

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Settling in

The team have recently arrived on the first trip ever to India and are getting acquainted with the city.

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Community Centres Restore Hope

Brendan* first visited Redwood Community Centre in 2014 to collect food from the ‘Chewsday Bite’ program while living locally. But soon after he became homeless and started re-using illicit substances […]

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When the bombs fell: Loubana’s story

It’s been three years, but Loubana’s children still have nightmares about the day their Syrian home was bombed. “I remember when I hid under the stairs when the bombs were […]

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Beyond the crisis: Global refugee facts

The ongoing Refugee crisis in Europe may have grabbed the media’s attention, but it is only one example of refugee movements in the world. Beyond sensational headlines, there is so […]

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Stories of Hope

The other day, my wife was just sitting down to work on a study assignment when the tranquillity of our home was disturbed by an exclamation of frustration. “I can’t […]

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Harvesting Hope

Gazing upon the plains of Old Bagan, Myanmar in the early morning is breath-taking. While intricately designed temples and pagodas dot the landscape, it is the vast canvas of the […]

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ADRA Appeal

Welcome to the 2017 ADRA Appeal. All people are created in the image of God to do amazing things. So be compelled by love to make theworld a better place […]

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Annual Review

Click on the images below to view and download each Annual Review. For reports 2021-22 and onwards, as a division of ADRA Australia, a summary of Open Heart International’s work […]

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Corporate Information

Incorporation and Charitable Status Public company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act. Registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. Tax Concessions and Fundraising Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) […]

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Work With Us

Positions Available: ADRA Australia Operation Officer/Manager – Open Heart International (OHI) Full-time, Maximum Term (2 years) Wahroonga, New South Wales ADRA Australia is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic Operation Officer […]

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ADRA Condemns Aid Cuts in Federal Budget

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Australia has condemned the federal government’s $224 million cut to overseas aid that makes Australia’s aid budget the least generous in its history. […]

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13 cases

13 Children has received life changing surgery in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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Tanzanian Surgeon

Dr Godwin Sharau is Tanzania's first paediatric cardiac surgeon.

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You are the One

Wendy Corkill is our Intensive Care team leader in Dar es Salaam

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Little Hearts

Open Heart International's team overlaps with a similar project - Little Hearts.

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Dr Ian Nicholson

I am no Charles Wooley, but I am humbled to be able to tell Dr Ian Nicholson’s story. To paint a picture; Dr Nicholson has received an Order of Australia, […]

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Wilfred & Lightness

The team have arrived in Tanzania and are about to operate on their first patients

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In light of Anzac Day

Jen Evans, one of Open Heart International's long term volunteers talks about her time in the Navy and contributing to OHI.

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‘The Bachelor’ made me do it

Media volunteer Brittany Dupree shares on how she became involved with Open Heart International

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Wrap up Dinner

The team attend an offical celebratory dinner held by the Rwandese hosts.

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Happy Judith

Judith Kyengo, one of the Nursing Unit Manager at the King Faisal Hospital is always happy to see the Open Heart International team return

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Football Lover

Jean Lucky Prince Ntwali is a footballer lover like a lot of 6 year old Rwandan boys

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Annie from India

Our perfusionist had never left her home town in India before this trip.

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to two of our volunteers

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Playful Esther

Esther is one of our very playful kids on the wards

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Little Nora

Nora Ahirwe has experienced difficulty breathing since she was born over a year ago.

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Breathing Better

One of our youngest patients this year is currently recovering well on the ward

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Last stop East Africa, before an around the world trip

Hannah Coffey is our Physiotherapist for East Africa

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Checking In

checking in on Rwanda's first patient for 2016

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Failure to Thrive

Remy Nkurunziza is too small for his age of five, which is known as “failure to thrive”, because his congenital heart condition has stunted his growth. He underwent surgery on […]

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This is Philbert

Meet Philbert one of our little patients in Rwanda

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On a mission, with a mission

Our volunteers come from all over the world. Teresa Duncan is our paediatric Intensivist volunteer in Rwanda.

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Steph’s Story

Steph, one of Open Heart International's volunteers shares on how she came to volunteer with us.

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Our Sunday Best

Some of the OHI Volunteers get a taste of the local Rwandan church.

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Picking Patients

A little insight into how the process of patient selection works.

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Surgery Success

The first day of surgery in Rwanda is complete.

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Let it begin!

The team have arrived in Kigali and set up has begun.

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Fiji Cancellation

Fiji Cardiac project 2016

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Entertainment Book 2016/17

Support Open Heart International by purchasing an entertainment book for 2016/2017

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ADRA Responds to Drought in Africa

Inresponse to the serious drought affecting countries across southern and eastern Africa, where El Niño conditions have caused the lowest ever recorded rainfall between October and December 2015, the global […]

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ADRA, Sanitarium team up in Fiji

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has partnered withSanitarium Health and Wellbeing to deliver more food aid to hungry communities following Cyclone Winston in Fiji. Boxes of Weet-Bix and […]

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A big thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who helped make the Cambodia Cardiac project possible

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The week That Was

Reflecting on a week in Cambodia

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Through the eyes of an Anaesthetist

Kenny Lewis is Anaesthetist at the Sydney Adventist Hospital and it is first time volunteering with Open Heart International.

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Whose heart is being repaired?

Some lessons have to be experienced rather than taught

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Nepal Update

Patients just keep flowing in

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Namaste from Nepal

The Women's Health team already down to business.

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Going the extra mile

It is the little things that make the difference

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Syria Crisis: Five Years Later

March 2016 marks fives years since the Syrian civil warbegan. Since then, almost 500,000 peoplehave died as violencerages and tears the country to pieces. Millions more have become refugees, strangers […]

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Back in Cambodia

The first of two visits to Siem Reap in 2016

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Cycling for Syria

Between7-9 March, 41cyclists participatedin the Queenstown Classic in New Zealand, a cycling fundraising event organised by 25000spins to raise money for charity. Of these, 26 fundraisedfor ADRA to helpSyrian refugee […]

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Vanuatu: Sweet Potatoes Arrive Just in Time

We stopped at the roadside market to buy some fresh coconuts and have a chat to the women. On offer was steamed corn, young coconuts for drinking, yams still covered […]

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Vanuatu: One Year Later

The village is peaceful, washing drying in the afternoon sun. It’s too hot to do anything much other than find a place in the shade, hopefully with a breeze. John […]

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Fiji: Distributions & Needs Assessments Continue

More than 1,000 families have received food and hygiene kits in Fiji after distributions by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). Food packs containing rice, lentils, tuna, sugar and […]

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Fiji: The Eye of the Cyclone

It was early in the afternoon on Saturday February 20. George and his family had just returned from church up the road in Naqia village on the eastern side of […]

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Fiji Cyclone: Aid begins to flow but more needed

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) today has begun its relief efforts in earnest following Tropical Cyclone Winston. “Getting food to families is the most urgent need at the […]

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Fiji: Navesau Teacher can still manage a smile

“At least I have free air conditioning now.” Talk about looking on the bright side. John is a teacher from Navesau on Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island. During the wild […]

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An unusual start to the day

Wednesday started off a little different to most days, with an earthquake before we even left the room for breakfast. It was only a 4.5 but from the 15thfloor we […]

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Fiji: Family now sleeping in their car

“This is my first time to experience such a devastating hurricane. It was very devastating and very frightening.” Kalisito and his wife Francis came home from church with their four […]

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Hello from Myanmar!

After all the team arrived safely on Sunday we met together for dinner which was hosted by several of the doctors from the Military hospital. The next morning, with great […]

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Fiji in the dark following Winston

Twenty-four hours after Cyclone Winston smashed Fiji the full picture of the destruction remains unknown.Power, water, communication, roads and other vital infrastructure remain cut and many parts of the country, […]

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Fiji Braces for Cyclone Winston

A category fivetropical cyclonebearing down on Fiji threatens to devastate the country. Urgent assistance is needed. Donate now. Cyclone Winston is travelling westward and is predicted to make landfall early […]

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1000km Ride Raises $70,000

One day intotheir epic adventure – riding a thousand kilometres in ten days on a tandem bicycle – Louise and Nat Ginn had doubts. “After day one I wasn’t sure […]

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PNG’s Perfusionist

Norman is PNG's home-grown perfusionist

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Last Days

Surgery complete for this visit

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Kiasha is staying on

There is further exploration of PNG to be done..

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The road to recovery

Rebekah Barry joins the Open Heart International (OHI) team this year as the physiotherapist. Rebekah is based at Prince Charles hospital in Brisbane and normally works with a mixture of […]

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A day in the life of…

Each day brings it's joys, challenges and routine.

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First steps on the ward

With a number days of surgery behind us both patients from our first day of surgery have taken their first steps out onto the ward! Rebekah Barry the team physio […]

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New addition to the team

Ariane Annicq is one of our new additions to the OHI volunteering team.

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Education and Surgery

Education is a key part of Open Heart International's project in Papua New Guinea.

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Loading in

The first project for Papua New Guinea is under way

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Drought Ravages the Pacific

As the plane descends into Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, I’m shocked by all the brown outside. What I imagined to be tropical and green is anything but. Brown crops, […]

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Kym Stuart receives Order of Australia

Member (AM) awarded for significant service to nursing

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Riding high for girls to Blossom

Bonnells Bay (NSW) Mother and son team Louise and Nat Ginn are all set to ride a gruelling 1,000 kilometres over 10 days to raise $100,000 for the Blossom Project. […]

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#KNOCKTOBER: Pathfinders

written by Laura Mitchell. On October 17th, Avondale Memorial Pathfinders hit the streets of Cooranbong in their full uniform, armed with a pen, a receipt pad, and an abundance of […]

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Continued adventures in Tanzania

continued adventures in Tanzania with Jessica, Daniel, Naiz and Phil

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On the road to Independence

The team have returned from Cambodia, another year complete until 2016

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All I Want for Christmas

I can still remember the disappointment. It was Christmas time and I must have been about eight years old. Like every other kid my age I’d been counting down the […]

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Screening in Tanzania

Screening team in Tanzania getting ready for 2016

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Le Tour de Cambodia

We welcomed the Ride For Hearts team to the Hospital

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Kym’s 50th!

Kym's Big 50! And no I'm not talking about her birthday...

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Inside the Operating Theatre

Happy Thursday readers! The city seems to come alive with more hustle and bustle with each day, and the team like to follow in suit, as we are well in […]

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Welcome to Cambodia!

A team of 28 volunteers have arrived in Cambodia to assist Angkor Hospital for Children for the week.

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State Finalist for Australian of the Year

Dr Ian Nicholson was today announced as a NSW finalist in the Australian of the Year Awards.

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Support us for FREE with Shopnate

Shop for a cause- A new and free way to support us!

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2014-2015 Annual Review

The latest Annual Review is now available

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Do It Afraid

Do it afraid. That was the title of my daily devotional the day before I was due to fly out to a country I had never been to, to start […]

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Farewell Tonga

And that is the end of the 2015 project

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Think Quick

Trouble shooting is all part of what we do

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Nothing short of a Miracle

Atunaisa had a 50/50 chance of survival, now he is going to be discharged

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Adult week

Adult week has begun with two patients already in ICU after surgery

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The halfway mark

17 cases complete and half way through our Tonga visit

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The ward is coming to life!

The ward is coming to life with eight post-op patients, four to be discharged today.

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Friendly Island

It's not just marketing spiel, it is true!

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A Mother’s Love

For many patients this process will be nothing but a distant memory in a few months time.

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Take off

It is the biennial trip to Tonga with a team of 49

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ADRA Community Kitchens Thrive in WA

“The food is just so amazing! You feed us like we are your family.” “I feel safe here… I look forward to coming each week.” “You give us more than […]

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Friendships Bloom In ADRA’s Community Gardens

Cannington Community Garden –by Sarina Taituave I recently attended the Cannington Church Camp in Western Australia to celebrate my brother-in-law’s 40th birthday. My husband Jeremy and I had been through […]

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International Day of Rural Women

Celebrating Rural Women by Tracy Hamilton According to the United Nations, rural women make up over a quarter of the total world population. Rural women, particularly in developing countries, hold […]

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The Four Susu’s

Out of 27 volunteers 4 of these were Susan's (with various spelling).

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PNG partnership and pack up begins

Next year Open Heart International will be returning to Papua New Guinea to work on both paediatric and adult cardiac services two times.

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Day in Theatre

Thursday I had the chance to hop into the theatre and spend some time watching a procedure as well as chatting to the staff from both OHI and the local […]

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Intensivist: Simon Erickson

This is Intensivist Dr Simon Erickson's 13th trip to PNG

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Down time

Plenty of work with a little bit of down time to see the sights around PNG

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A bright future

Dr Cornelia Kilalang is a paediatric cardiologist at Port Morseby General Hospital

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Transition from ICU to the Ward

6 kids have been transferred from ICU to the ward

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Long History in PNG

This is Open Heart International's 22nd trip to Papua New Guinea

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New Kids on the Block: Liz Lombardi

Liz is a first time volunteer with Open Heart International.

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And we are off!

A team of 27 volunteers have arrived safely in Papua New Guinea

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NEWSFLASH: Watch 60 minutes this Sunday!

We are very excited to be part of 60 minutes this Sunday night - make sure you tune in on Channel 9!

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Bopha Sun’s Story

Today, Bopha Sun is a happy and thriving woman—but three years ago, the picture was completely different. Bopha Sun grew up in a traditional farming community in Cambodia. When she […]

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Charlie’s Story

Charlie is 25. Every week, he volunteers a day of his time as a counsellor in Blacktown, Sydney. It’s a job that provides insight into the difficulties many people face. […]

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Review: Just Mercy

The story of Bryan Stevenson reads like that of the literary references his book—Just Mercy—begins with. The front cover features an endorsement from legal thriller writer John Grisham and the […]

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Queen’s birthday honours for two volunteers

Two Nepal volunteers receive an OAM

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Fijian Hospitality

Beautiful country, beautiful people

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36 patients

36 patients have received life-changing surgery in 6 days of operations.

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Maizy is back home

One of our volunteers returns to her birth country

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Rebecca’s world

Rebecca Karraz shares her first-time experiences

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Bula from Fiji!

Getting in the groove in Suva

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First Timer

First timer, Dominic McCall joins the Eye surgery team in the Philippines

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Kid’s Day

Today is when a group of volunteers operate on kids that are unable to afford cataract surgery

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Every problem has a solution

It's not always as simple as it seems

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Nepal: “We need food and shelter”

“We need food and shelter. There is nothing left in our village!” says Rami. She is from Lapa village in Dhading, close to the earthquake’s epicentre. The earthquake flattened her […]

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Back again

4th visit to the Philippines is well underway

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Wrapping up

The team have finished up for the Tanzania project

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Antke’s making it happen

It is people on the grounds like Antke that help make projects possible

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Support Nepal

All donations given to Nepal Burns and Women's health projects will go towards the Emergency aid of patients at the Scheer Memorial Hospital.

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Mr Fix it

Our Biomedical engineer La is often known as "Mr Fix it" as he fixes blood gas machines to coffee machines.

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In full flight

Four operations have been completed and the freight has been cleared by customs

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And we are off and running

The first day of surgery has been completed in Tanzania

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Laying the Groundwork: Preparation for surgery in Mwanza

The team are in East Africa for only the second project to ever take place in Tanzania.

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Entertainment Book 2015/16

Support Open Heart International by purchasing an entertainment book for 2015/2016

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Privacy Policy

You can find Open Heart International’s Privacy Policy, along with many of other important policies here: https://ohi.org.au/additional-policies/  

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Monthly Donation

Change a life When you commit to monthly giving, your money goes where it’s needed most. You make it possible to maintain long-term projects, jumpstart new initiatives, and have ready […]

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One-time Donation

Change a life Families around the world will feel the impact of your contribution today. Your gift provides vital development programs and disaster relief.

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Reflections on Cambodia

Another great trip with another great group of volunteers

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Seeing past patients

It is always nice to see past patients come back and how well they are doing

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Education in Burn prevention

Treat the burn before the contracture starts

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Reality in Nepal

Unfortunately burns happen more frequently in Nepal than you may think. Read some of the patients stories from this year.

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A collective big heart

A life changing experience watching heart surgery

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A Big Heart

It is a roller-coaster of emotions on the trip, but one well worth it.

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A whirlwind of emotions

Jennifer Vinton, one of Open Heart International's regular sponsors, visits Cambodia.

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First day of screening complete

The cardiac team lands in Cambodia, and first day of screening is complete.

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Cyclone Pam devastates Vanuatu

You can help those in need of urgent assistance

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Farewell Nepal

The Women's Health team heads home

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On the homeward stretch in Banepa

Only two days left of surgery for the Nepal Women's health team

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A journey to the far west

A small team have travelled to the fast west of Nepal to visit a local Hospitals

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In Full Swing

Day three and already 28 Nepalese women have received life changing surgery

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Arrived and ready to work

The team are now in their second day of assessments and surgery

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What a journey!

The team have had an interesting journey to even get to Nepal, now for the project to start.

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Thank You And Goodbye For Now

The first trip is over for 2015

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Teaching in Myanmar

One of our volunteers, Ian Moore teaches the staff in ICU at Yankin Children's Hospital.

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Visiting North Okkalapa Hospital

A few of the team were invited to visit another Hospital in Yangon

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Three years in ICU

Making do at Yangon General

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Hawaiian Anaesthetists

Similar fashion by day and by night

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Angio in Yangon General

The Angiography team in Myanmar have had a busy start to the week.

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Home away from home

A lot of our volunteers have been to Myanmar many times making it their second home

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First trip for 2015

A team of 33 volunteers are in Myanmar providing training in three hospitals throughout Myanmar.

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Virtual Valentines

Show them what's in your heart, by fixing someone else's

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Volunteers recognised in Australia day awards

Two of Open Heart International's volunteers have received a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia

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Shop Online and support Open Heart International for free!

Shop for a cause- A new and free way to support us!

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Ride For Hearts: Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle Challenge

We'd love you to join us on the challenge of a lifetime

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World Water Day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi […]

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A surgeon’s perspective

Dr Yishay Orr is a paediatric cardiac surgeon travelling with the team to Tanzania

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Working together for the cause

New projects require plenty of support from like-minded people

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New Blood

Daniel shares what it means to be in Tanzania.

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The new project is well underway

The first day of surgery is under our belt with three operations complete.

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Getting a feel for Tanzania

The team are getting familiar with Tanzania, meeting the staff and getting to know the hospital.

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The 15 hour journey by road

13 of the team took the journey by road to take equipment across to Tanzania

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Celebrating life

Today is the last day of surgery and at the end of the day there will be 18 completed operations

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The joys of OHI

Darren Wolfers is our newest Project Coordinator

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Last minute

It was a last minute rush to get Nicole to Rwanda, but she is loving the experience.

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Pumping Blood

Today felix had his VSD repaired

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Getting familiar

The team has arrived and ready for the first day of surgery

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New Beginnings

The screening and set up team have arrived in Kigali for another year of cardiac surgery

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100% Dedication, 100% Impressive

Another year is nearly over with another successful Cambodian trip.

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Vath’s second surgery

We first met Vath in March last year, he came back to have his second and final surgery.

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Waiting 11 years

12 year-old Yim has been waiting 11 years for this life changing surgery

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“Instantly hooked” on Volunteering

Working in ICU for Michelle is a rewarding part of her job

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Crafty in Cambodia

Having fun is a great step to recovery!

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Chea gets his first bike

The OHI team take the time to visit one of their favourites

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Let the games begin..

Another Cambodian adventure starts tomorrow

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Gift Catalogue

Gift Catalogue

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Our Board

Our Board oversees the direction of the organisation and monitors performance against the strategic plan. It has overall responsibility for the management of risks and compliance with legislation. It determines […]

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Our History

ADRA began as a department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As a church with approximately 60,000 Australian members, Adventists are committed to demonstrating the love of God in real and […]

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East Africa volunteers needed

Does East Africa spark an interest?

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A big thank you!

The team has been home for a few weeks now, Chris Waite, the Myanmar Project Coordinator says a big thank you to all involved.

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Our Impact

Open Heart International facilitates medical best practice in vulnerable communities to transform lives. Open Heart International provides the opportunity for those living in developing countries to receive the specialised healthcare […]

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A great couple of days

It has been a great couple of days in Myanmar with the transfer of skills to the local team.

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Trip number 17

Open Heart International make their 17th trip to Myanmar

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2UE Radio interview

Michael Were, manager of Open Heart International is interviewed on 2UE radio station.

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Mosman Rotary International Night

The Mosman Rotary Club recently celebrated their 10 year partnership with us at Open Heart International Myanmar.

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All good things must come to an end – until next year that is

Another year comes to an end in Nepal for the Burns surgery team. All trips are filled with all different types of emotions.

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How do all these cases come about?

Take a look into the life of a Nepali family and see why so many burn cases occur.

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Fiji trip cancellation

In conjunction with the Fiji Ministry of Health, and after much consideration Open Heart International has decided to cancel the planned surgical visit in May 2014.

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5000th Patient – Nishant

April marked the 5000th Patient for Open Heart International, what an achievement!

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5000th Patient

Today marks the 5000th Patient for Open Heart International, what an achievement!

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Our time has come to an end

Another year is over in the Philippines with 153 patients having their sight restored.

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The Local Investment

OHI Philippines major goal is to make the project self sufficient at Adventist Hospital Santiago City.

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A full house

Things happen a little differently in the Philippines, the chapel has turned into a patient overnight dormitory.

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Final words from Cambodia

The project coordinator, Fiona takes a moment to reflect on this years achievements

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Assessment Day

Over 100 patients were assessed today, 40 of these cases will have surgery which begins tomorrow.

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Binwican Family Return

The Binwican family return to have a check up and thank the team.

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First 48 Hours

The first 48 hours of the Nepal Burns Team trip for 2014 has seen tired eyes and polo shirts lead the agenda.

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On the grounds

There are always special people who work behind the scenes to make a trip happen

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A new outlook on life

5 year old Shaira receives sight as well as a full chance at life.

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Flying remote

The team travel to a remote village to find people who are suffering from avoidable blindness.

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Busking for a cause

Our youngest OHI sponsor busked around Sydney raising money for one little girl in Cambodia to receive heart surgery.

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Restoring sight

The team are setting into a nice rhythm at the Adventist Hospital Santiago City in the Philippines

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On the home straight

Only two days left of operation before the team start heading home

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It can’t be over already

The week flew by in Cambodia and the goodbyes had started before they knew it

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Magical Moment

It can be providing personal care bags, smiling at a patient or taking a photo then asking them their story. It sometimes starts off as a small act but so often can make the world of difference.

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A day in the life of a Nurse

Gain some insight into what a day looks like for two of our volunteer recovery nurses

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Relief after 30 years

A Nepali women receives surgery after 30 years

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A sweet farewell so soon

Only after three days two of our patients are going home

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Working in the shadows of the Himalayas

The theatre list is almost full, but the determination of the team is going strong

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Nameste from Nepal

The Nepal Women's health team are now in full swing

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Off to a flying start

All is travelling smoothly in Cambodia with six successful surgeries

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And so it begins…

The Cambodian team have begun screening to determine the patient list

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On the road again

OHI Cambodia are off again and are all really excited to be back on the road again.

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Novus Foundation Gala Dinner

Open Heart International have been selected to be apart of the Novus Foundation Gala Dinner

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What 10 years looks like

Celebrating 10 years in Myanmar

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Helping the wheels turn

Everyone contributes to the Myanmar team, met the biomed team

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Rotary comes to the party

Sophie Stone, the President of the Paramus Sunrise Rotary Club, USA comes for a visit.

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A day in Yangon

What's an average day like in Myanmar?

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The Rowan Nicks scholarship

Giving young surgeons the learning opportunity of a lifetime

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The waiting game

The families wait as the pre-operative screening is done

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Pre-operative screening

The medical team meet together to discuss the possible cases

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Needles and Haystacks

Unpacking and setting up

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Touch down in Myanmar

The team have arrived in Yangon and have started their work across three major hospitals.

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Press Release: Myanmar 2014

Nurse and medical mannequin on life saving quest

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Expansion plans for 2014

Two new projects being planned

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Gearing up and getting excited!

The Myanmar team is departing

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Order of Australia Awards for two volunteers

Dr. Ian Nichoslon and Dr. James Pollitt recognised by Govenor-General

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2012-2013 Annual Report

Latest Annual Report now available

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Russty’s Wrap-Up for Rwanda 2013…and a brief visit to Tanzania

Rwanda Project Coordinator Russell, gives his end of year wrap up.

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The Beginning of the End

Our time in Kigali draws to a close.

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Cooperation & Learning

Mentoring, communication and working together all adds an element to the team's success

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Why volunteer: we ask the Newbies

Find out what it is like to volunteer with us directly from those on their first OHI trip.

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A Tough Tuesday

Tuesday proved to be a challenging day for the OHI team, for a number of reasons.

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Helping in different ways

The Cuddle Cushions are a great asset to the recovery of the kids in ICU

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Following Francisco

Members of the OHI team visit the Missionaries of Charity orphanage in Kigali to follow a patient.

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The Patient’s Journey

The steps a OHI patient goes through.

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Getting to work

The first few days in Kigali are all about organisation and unpacking.

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Cardiac Surgery for beginners

A snapshot of the congenital cardiac conditions OHI operate on

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Getting there

Travelling with 80kg excess baggage and arriving in Kigali.

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The final Wrap up!

Final words from the Cambodian Project Coordinator.

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The Best Surprise you could ever wish for!

A previous patient returns for surprise visit

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Homeward Bound

It's not good-bye, it's see you later

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The Wind Down

Time to reflect on a week in Siem Reap

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Out and About

Life outside the Hospital in Yangon

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Give, Give and More Give

We hear some of the team's stories on fundraising and giving...

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On the mend

Myanmar patients making a quick recovery

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So far so good

The Project Coordinator's insight into the project so far

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Monique goes to Theatre

Our blogger spends a day in the operating room.

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Yankin gets underway

The first patients are operated on at Yankin Hospital.

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Cambodia surgery commences

The team scrubs in for a big week

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Return to Yangon

The team is back in Yangon

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Bound for Cambodia

The team is headed back to Cambodia

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Coastal Trek raises $30,000

Cambodian Children to benefit from Northern Beaches Fundraiser.

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The countdown to Rwanda has begun

Packing for the 2013 Open Heart International Rwanda trip began on Sunday.

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The Final Word from John

Project Coordinator John Wallace wraps up Tonga

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Genna and the Ward

Adelaide nurse Genna explains the step-down ward

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Still thinking of Tonga

Alfred is home, but his heart is still in Tonga

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The Two N’s

Neil and Nick - The two N's

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Clinic Day

Last week's patients have first post-op review

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Rachel’s Experience

ICU nurse Rachel tells us what volunteering is like

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Week 1 Wrap

One day off and the team is back to the hospital

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Sheree and the Intensive Care Unit

Meet Sheree Gordon, ICU nurse from Adelaide

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Inside the Operating Theatre

Dr. Alfred Hing provides his surgical insights

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Take a chance and make a change

Calvin Rutene - Ward Nurse shares his experiences

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Meaghan’s first trip

We meet Ward Doctor, Meaghan Miller-McConochie

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You have to love his spirit!

I meet James for the first time

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Critical Care of another kind

The daily caffeine hit is not quite so easy

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The Arrival of a Well Polished Machine

Arrived, Unpacked, and Operating

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Luggage and Freight – the good news and the bad news.

The team is making do without the essentials

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Fulfilling that promise

The final wrap up for the Gift of Sight Team

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Happy, Laughing and Wanting to Help

Herbie's second operation has been completed and his life has changed dramatically since the first.

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Keeping a Promise

The OHI Gift of Sight Team return to the Philippines

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PNG Cardiac Anaesthetist on ABC Radio

Dr Arvin Karu is interviewed on Pacific Beat program.

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Pathologist Ian

Ian has one of the more unique roles in our OHI team.

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The General ICU

What exactly are we doing there?

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Arvin has Passed

Dr Karu receives a surprise and welcome announcement

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Aloha in Papua New Guinea

We have two Hawaiian's joining our team this year in PNG.

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On the Cardiac Ward

On the road to recovery, this is their last Aussie stop.

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Inside the Cardiac ICU

Caring for patients at their most vulnerable

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A Few Words From Uncle Matty

Matt Crawford, our intensivist/anaesthetist gives his thoughts on the last 20 years of OHI in PNG

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Nepal Shawl Stall

On Wednesday August 7 there will be a shawl stall raising money for patient care in Nepal. The stall will run from 10am to 1:30pm Outside San Café.

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Coronary Care Cambodian Coastal Challenge

Join us on a coastal hike on Sunday the 29th of September, 20 km from Narrabeen Lakes to Palm Beach, to help raise money to sponsor Cambodian kids through complex heart surgery.

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Our Surgical Team

An insight into the operating theatre and the dedicated team behind it

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A Physio’s Trick Bag

Rosie Day our physiotherapist gives us an insight into her work with the team

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A Word from Perfusion

Hayden Dando reflects on being a perfusionist with OHI

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Kondo Returns

Kondo has a second operation with the OHI team.

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Deep Dive – An Evening with Dr. Glenn Singleman

A multimedia presentation on his experiences as part of James Cameron's DeepSea Challenge Expedition.

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Lending a Hand

Our Intensive Care doctors lend a hand to the local paediatric surgeons.

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The Anaesthetics Team

Our amazing anaesthetics team are the first team to help our patients.

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The Welcoming

The team and the welcome party at the Yacht Club.

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The Main Team Arrives

The main team has landed in Port Moresby.

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The Selection Decisions

The tough decisions on who receives surgery

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Second Day of Setup

Setting up and preparing in Port Moresby Hospital on day 2.

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Educating the Locals

Trying to create a self-sufficient program in Papua New Guinea.

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Arriving in Papua New Guinea

The early team has arrived to unpack and start teaching.

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Organised chaos in the shed

The team packs in anticipation for the upcoming Papua New Guinea trip.

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New services for Myanmar

A mentorship starting after a Open Heart International visit has led to a new cardiac surgery unit in Yangon.

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We are Live

With the official launch of our new name Open Heart International, the next chapter of our exciting journey has commenced.

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The Nepal Ashes

Sometimes the OHI team are the entertainment

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When Old Becomes New

Donated goods arrive just before our team and will make a huge difference to the Scheer Memorial Hospital.

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The Ripple Effect

One good deed in Nepal deserves another, many of the team do more than just volunteer with OHI.

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Sita Ram

Some patients stay in your mind and this one is one of those.

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Night Time Blues

All shifts are shared to build cooperation between the OHI team and local staff.

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Till Next Year

The goodbyes and thank yous from another successful trip.

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Together We Can

The team at the Scheer Memorial Hospital help make the Open Heart International trip a success.

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Dr Rebecca

Sometimes things happen for a reason.

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Assessment Day

The team have set up and started the assessment process.

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It’s All About The Patients

Many team members return to Nepal year after year, this is why.

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Here We Go Again

Back in Napal for the 20th year ready to do it all again.

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Interview with Professor Than Than

An interview with the head of cardiology at Mandalay General hospital

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We’re Hiring

Here's your chance to make a difference!

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Fiji in the news

Christian News Program features cardiac trip

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Final Wrap

The end of a successful first trip to the Philippines.

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A Promise To The Binwinican Family

A family with complex eye issues are given a promise and hope.

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Happy Birthday Herbi

Celebrations like these make the trips worthwhile.

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First Patients

Finding solutions to the many different reasons patients are not able to receive surgery.

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Setting It All Up

With the team and equipment having arrived the unpacking begins.

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Best Laid Plans

The trip is off to a bumpy start getting all the equipment to the Philippines

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Banepa Round Up

So what have we done here at the Scheer Hospital?

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Surgery Complete

After the last day of surgery it is time to celebrate

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A Typical day in Nepal

The challenges of working in a country with a different sense of urgency.

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Life as a Woman of Nepal

Our heart breaks as we hear the plight of some of the patients.

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Kathmandu on Strike

A countrywide strike but patients still arrive

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Namaste from Dadeldhura

The challenges of a working week in the remote far west Nepal.

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Dadeldhura, a tiny dot somewhere in the Far West

Arrived and ready to commence in Dadeldhura.

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Joy is in the mattress

The advance team arrive and things are falling into place for a great trip ahead.

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Education is important

Further education of the local Fijian nurses improves the level of nursing care.

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Sally’s ICU Perspective

Some thoughts and thank you's on Sally's first OHI trip.

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Time flies when you are having fun!

News from the busy theatre team after the first week of OHI Fiji

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Walking down the aisle

Patients often gain more than just their health after surgery.

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Lucky Number 7(00)

The patients are more than just numbers to the OHI team.

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Kumar & Kumar

Fiji cardiac patients now able to provide for their families

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Bibi comes back

It is good to hear from former patients when they come back to visit

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Overwhelming Appreciation

We have been humbled by how the local people have shown their gratitude to the OHI team.

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Outside the hospital

Some of the beauty of Tonga.

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Smiling Happy Faces

Lives have been changed and the patients go home in good health.

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Old friends reunite 25 years later.

Two of the original Tongan heart patients return and share the stories of the second chance they had a life.

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Words from our leader.

Thoughts, thank you and praise from the Project Leader of the Tongan Open Heart International project.

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Physio’s World

The physio's are working hard to get the patients up and moving after surgery.

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From Geelong to Tonga…

Tales from the ICU from two of the team.

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All about blood…

It takes more than just Dr's and nurses to make a trip successful.

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Mercy Dash 2

The second specialty supply on a dash to get to the airport on time.

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Mercy Dash 1

Going above and beyond the call for duty to get some much needed supplies to the airport on time.

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Team Photo 2011

Rounding up everyone for this years team photo.

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Anaesthetics 101

Highlights of the Tonga trip from the Anaesthetic nurses.

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Bon Voyage to some and hello to others…

The screening team for this years Tonga trip head for home as week two people arrive.

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Blogging by request

Want to find out about a trip, ask and get an response.

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The reason we do what we do…

A visit from a past patient reaffirms the reason why we do what we do!

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The Theatre

The theatre team has been hard at work in Tonga.

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Discharge Day…

The first patients are discharged after surgery, some with a fast recovery.

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Mother’s Day with a difference

We're celebrating Mother's Day in Fiji.

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The High Commissioner

Our visit to Tonga coincides with the Australian High Commissioners visit to Tonga.

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New Hospital Uniforms

The local nurses displaying their Tongan rugby colours.

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Google It

Local nurses furthering their knowledge of cardiac care.

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Fresh Coconut anyone?

One of those only in Tonga moments.

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Cultural Night

A formal welcome to Open Heart International and Cultural Night for the team.

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Introducing some of the ICU team

The role of the ICU team is critical in determining how many patients can be seen by the OHI team.

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So Tiny…

Fixing some congenital heart defects is possible, even in babies only a few weeks old.

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United Nations

Open Heart International brings patients from small pacific nations together for the opportunity to receive life saving surgery.

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The Venue

Vaiola Hospital is the main hospital in Tonga and is undergoing some great improvements.

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From Boxes to Surgery

With 24 hours till surgery is to start, the boxes need to be unpacked and the equipment setup!

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Arrival Day

The last of the Open Heart International team has arrived in Tonga

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Up and Away!

The equipment and staff have left for Tonga about to start what will be another successful Open Heart International visit.

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Rusty’s Final Thoughts

Thoughts, thank you and praise from the coordinator of the Papua New Guinea Operation Open Heart project.

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A Newbies Experience

Answering the call to volunteer reaps benefits not only for the cause but for the individual too.

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Theatre Team Sign Out

The theatre team finish up at the end of a successful surgery week.

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A trip to Maternity

Volunteers discover their own way to assist the people of PNG on subsequent visits.

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In the General ICU

The ongoing training of local ICU staff is reaping rewards as Open Heart International take over the general ICU ward and help create another for a week.

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On The Mend

Transformations on the post-op ward with patients and staff.

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Teaching Takes Many Forms

Operation Open Heart contributes to improving the quality of healthcare in PNG through training local staff.

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Wesley is all smiles

6 month old heart patient Wesley is ready to go home.

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Inside the Operating Theatre

Insight into the theatre teams and an update on how many surgeries have been performed so far on this PNG trip.

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It’s showtime

The team has all assembled in Fiji and ready to commence

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Frankie Goes To Port Moresby

Team members, even if found at last minute, enjoy the Open Heart International experience!

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Surgery Update – Day 2

The surgery team is up and running with 6 cases now in the ICU.

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PNG Acknowledges Dr. Richard Hawker For 25 Years

Cardiologist Dr. Richard Hawker has been traveling to PNG for 25 years and was recognised for his contribution.

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Welcome to PNG

The traditional Welcome to PNG function was held on Saturday night at the Royal Papuan Yacht Club.

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Hi My Name Is…

All of the PNG team have arrived from all over Australia and the team meeting is chance to meet and greet.

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Touch Down In Port Moresby

The rest of the OHI team arrives in Port Moresby greeted by traditional dancers and ready for the week ahead.

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Time To Rock And Roll

The start of a trip happens when the equipment leaves the warehouse!

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The Load Out

It is the end of the Rwandan Open Heart International trip and the logistical puzzle is back to get the equipment home.

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The Last Night Shift

The last night shift gives time to reflect on the patients and the experience of Open Heart International's trip to Rwanda.

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Biomedical Blog

Some observations about the King Faisal Hospital and improvements that have been seen by the returning Open Heart International Biomedical team.

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Hi From Adrian

Hear how the Open Heart International trip to Rwanda rewards more than the children of Rwanda, but the lives of the volunteers too.

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The Liner

Thoughts on the logistics of an Open Heart International trip and the balancing act of who is able to be on the surgical list.

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The Ward And My Day

Musings from Eleanor Mennie on life in Rwanda and the patients currently on the ward.

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Welcome to the PICU

Insight into the pediatric intensive care unit and the challenges they can face.

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The Annual Football Final

One of the most joyful moments for our team is being able to see much healthier children, with a renewed joy for life, playing shortly after their heart surgery.

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Ange Walks Out Of ICU

Ange, a cardiac patient, is out of ICU and on track for a full recovery.

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Tuesday Update From Suzanne

Nursing is a privileged position. Patients and their families let us into their lives for a short time and we know so much more about them than they know about us.

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Welcome To The Operating Theatres

Insight into the operating theatres and surgical teams during the Rwandan Open Heart International trip.

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A Thought For The Parents

While the focus of Open Heart International is on the cardiac patients, the families and parents of these patients carry the stress and worry.

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More Fun On The Ward

The cardiac patients are recovering well and there is plenty of fun to be had on the ward!

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Spare Circuit Board For A Defibrilator Anyone?

Sometimes equipment can not be fixed and a solution needs to be found to continue the life saving work.

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What It’s All About – Changing Lives

Insight into how heart conditions affect the quality of life of those suffering and the difference surgery makes.

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Caring For your Community Rwandan Style

Community spirit in Rwanda is fostered through community service work.

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A Flying Visit

Sometimes Open Heart International isn't the only event taking place at the King Faisal Hospital.

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Our Bubbly First Patient, Out Of ICU And On To The Ward

This post is by Steve Woods, Rwanda Team Blogger. Muhamuda needed less than 24 hours in the ICU, and is now happy (with her relieved Mum) out on the ward.

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A Word From The Project Leader

Words on the Rwandan OHI trip from the project leader Russell Lee.

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The Journey So Far…

First impressions of the Open Heart International trip and the Kigali Memorial Centre.

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Ward Team Wanderings

A free day for the ward staff is an opportunity to see the a little of the city.

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There’s Always A First

The initial impressions of an Open Heart International trip from from Shirley Wong on her first OHI trip.

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The Learning Curve

The success of a trip relies on excellent volunteers and includes biomedical engineers to keep the equipment working.

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First Patient Through to ICU – 1 ASD Repaired

Four year old Muhamudu was the first cardiac surgical case selected, and has just come through to ICU and is doing well.

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ICU Setup

As the team arrive at the King Faisal Hospital in Rwanda, the logistics of equipment and care are organised.

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Day 1 Unpacking

The start of the Rwanda 2012 Open Heart International project.

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Unpacking And The Set Up

The first few days of the Rwanda trip are busy unpacking and preparing for the week ahead.

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The Cath Lab and CCU

More than just heart surgery, Open Heart International performed Angiograms, Angioplasties, Implantable Defibrillators, Atrial Septal Defect closures and Pacemaker insertions during their time in Myanmar.

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Taking a Breath

The success of a trip relies on the excellent volunteers and includes ICU nurses and Physiotherapists.

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Anaesthetics Conference Participation

Open Heart International Team anaesthetics presented at the 10th Biennial Congress of Myanmar Society of Anesthesiologists.

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Education OHI Style

Open Heart International in Myanmar provides many education opportunities so local health practitioners improve their knowledge and best practices.

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Paediatric Anaesthetics

The success of a trip relies on the excellent volunteers like Paediatric Anaesthetist, Matt Crawford.

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An Ambassador’s Visit

Bronte Moules, who is the Australian Ambassador in Myanmar, visited Yangon Military Hospital while the Open Heart International team was in town.

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Biomedical and Pathology Technicians

Inside Yangon General Hospital and more information about the people that help make Open Heart International trips a success.

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Location – stroll to yangon general hospital 1

More on the walk to Yangon General Hospital.

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Location – stroll to yangon general hospital 2

More on the walk to Yangon General Hospital.

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Street Stories From Myanmar – and sadly goodbye

Some observations about life in Myanmar and improvements that have been seen by the returning Open Heart International team.

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Location – stroll to yangon general hospital 3

More on the walk to Yangon General Hospital and the hospital grounds.

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Location – stroll to yangon general hospital 4

More on the walk to Yangon General Hospital and the hospital grounds.

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Everybody Learns Something On These Trips

News from the small Open Heart International team that traveled to Pyin Oo Lwin and a huge thank you to the companies that make it all possible.

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Travel to a Yangon Hospital

Open Heart International visiting three hospitals in Yangon, Myanmar

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Street Stories From Myanmar

Some observations about the Mandalay General Hospital and health care in Myanmar.

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Street Stories From Myanmar

Some observations about life in Myanmar and improvements that have been seen by the returning Open Heart International team.

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A new start to life

Insight into how heart conditions affect the quality of life of those suffering and the difference surgery makes.

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First blog entry; hi to all

Warwick Creeper introducing the upcoming Myanmar trip and thoughts from past trips.

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The Final Word on Myanmar

Final thoughts on Myanmar and the team that went.

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On the road again…..

The trip to Cambodia is about to start with some background to the country and past trips.

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Setting Sail For Cambodia – With A slight Head Wind!

Heading to Cambodia with and urgent email from customs.

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Smooth Sailing – And Even The Spinnaker Is Out

The team has arrived in Cambodia but there have been freight issues.

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Street Stories From Cambodia

Some initial impressions of the hospital and surrounds in Cambodia.

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Stories Of The Brave And Courageous – Meet Chea

Dr. Phil Roberts take on patients and the experience of working in Cambodia.

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Chea Goes For Surgery

Chea's day for surgery has arrived.

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Thank You Killara Public School

Seeing the transformation from surgery of the sponsored child Vath.

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Chea – Brave And Courageous – And Extremely Determined!

An update on Chea and how he is recovering post surgery.

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Chea And Vath Are On The Ward

The quick recovery of the children of Cambodia after heart surgery.

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Dadeldhura Hospital Reclaimed

Nepal Government takes over hospital

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The Kids Are On Their Way Home, And So Are We

Patient stories and experiences on the Cambodian Cardiac trip 2013

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Goodbye To Our Friends At Angkor Hospital For Children

Thoughts and experiences of Carolyn Wilkinson on the 2013 Cambodian cardiac trip.

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The Final Word On Cambodia…

The roundup of the successful cardiac trip to Cambodia.

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Is There A Doctor On The Plane?

The 2013 screening team head to Fiji

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Where are they now?

Catching up with past patients during screening week.

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Michael test with a really long title name to be tested here yes it’s still going like I said it’s huge!

It was a snow joke as a full-sized sculpture of a Volkswagen Beetle received a parking ticket in Germany recently.

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Great News

Here comes the summary for the Great News article. It should be working perfectly.

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Test Article

This is my test article summary

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Your gift provides a patient with anaesthetic drugs for safe open-heart surgery.

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Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy Code of Conduct (ACFID) Code of Conduct (Open Heart International) Counselling Policy Child Protection Policy Complaints Policy Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy Financial Wrongdoing […]

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WE WOULD LOVE TO KEEP IN TOUCH Sign up for The Open Line newsletters and you’ll receive regular updates via email on all the work we are doing during this […]

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We are happy to be taking part in surgical missions along with surgical humanitarian aid in 3rd world locations such as Mongolia. Exactly what does medical humanitarian support in Mongolia […]

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OHI are happy to be taking part in healthcare missions as well as healthcare relief aid in 3rd world locations such as China. What does clinical humanitarian aid in China […]

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Open Heart International are happy to be taking part in healthcare missions as well as healthcare humanitarian support in 3rd world countries including Vietnam. What does healthcare humanitarian aid in […]

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We are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical humanitarian aid in 3rd world locations such as Vanuatu. What does clinical humanitarian aid in Vanuatu deliver? All of […]

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OHI are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical humanitarian aid in 3rd world locations such as Tonga. What does health related humanitarian aid in Tonga provide? Each […]

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We are proud to be participating in medical care missions and health care humanitarian aid in 3rd world destinations such as the Philippines. Just what does medical humanitarian aid in […]

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Open Heart International are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical relief support in 3rd world countries including Nepal. What does clinical humanitarian aid in Nepal deliver? All […]

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We are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical humanitarian aid in 3rd world locations such as Myanmar. What does healthcare humanitarian aid in Myanmar provide? All of […]

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Open Heart International are pleased to be participating in medical care missions and health care humanitarian support in 3rd world destinations such as Fiji. Exactly what does healthcare humanitarian assistance […]

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Open Heart International are proud to be involved in medical missions and medical humanitarian aid in 3rd world countries such as Cambodia. What does medical humanitarian aid provide? Our medical […]

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Cardiac surgery was the inaugural project focus and with over twenty five years of experience, it is no surprise that a large portion of our projects are cardiac based. Often […]

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The busy week has come to a close...

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All patients are progressing well in PNG.

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The youngest patient this trip at 8 and a half months, Emanuella is keeping the nurses on their toes.

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Many of the families are thankful to the team for the surgery their family member has received.

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The selection process has been completed and surgery has begun

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Godson is one of the patients this year in Tanzania

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16 month old Prosper has had his operation and his Mother now hopes for a bright future.

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Mercy is one of the first patient's opearted on by Open Heart International in Tanzania this year

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And the post op's in Tanzania are coming into ICU

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Onesmo Mhewa, along with paediatric Surgeon Godwin Sharau, and cardiologist Naizihiiwa Mnong’one joined the team in Rwanda and will now host the team in Tanzania this week.

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One of our well traveled OHI volunteers - Lisa Perrett

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Kevin is one of our older patients this year

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The project has come to an end with all volunteers returning home to Australia

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It is day three in Myanmar with plenty happening around the different hospitals

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Felix is only 15 months old and is scheduled for open heart surgery today

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Find answers to your questions about our work and the impact your support is having.

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Let your light shine Real development takes place through relationships. How we treat others and what we sacrifice for them has a significant impact on the creation of a more […]

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The team has arrived in Myanmar, here is some background information about Myanmar.

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