Posted on 18 October, 2017

The mornings have been nice and cool each day due to the rain showers washing away the heat and humidity. We jump into the pick-up van from our accommodation and head out to the hospital for another day of screening, treatment and post-surgery care of patients. As we walk into the hospital we are greeted as Ma’ams and Sirs…typical Filipino style of greeting out of respect.


Today one of our surgeons Dr Sara Booth-Mason, although coming down with a cold, soldiers on with surgery and completes the first phaco emulsification surgery of the day. I am amazed and feel so privileged to be able to witness the level of concentration, care and compassion taken with each patient by the OHI surgical and nursing team. Scrubbing in with Sara is nurse Danielle Bishara. She kindly and patiently talks me through the process of the surgery. I am fascinated and take in her every word and learning through observation. The patient on the bed is a 62 year old Filipino woman called Ena. I hold onto Ena’s hands and gently rub them as I imagine the human touch would be somewhat comforting to her. Often described as the window into the soul, it’s overwhelming to think that so many of our patients have been enduring avoidable blindness for so many years! I can’t wait to see their faces and their eyes when they are able to see again.


Tags:  Philippines,