Posted on 20 February, 2014

What’s an average day like in Myanmar? A good question..

A day in Yangon, Myanmar can seem like a week at home in Australia. It’s no problem, because the people on the Open Heart International Team are up for it! They are robust and resilient types, mentally, physically, and emotionally. They are inspired with a mysterious energy that sincerely cares for others, and are curious about the differences of cultures. There is always humour. Nevertheless, there is a lot to take in, for any individual, on any one day in Yangon.

Consider this. Our average OHI Aussie wakes up in the morning in a strange hotel and starts communicating and bonding with the new OHI family of 45 at the breakfast table. These are new friends and old friends, some they’ve met over the past ten years here, others for the first time. This occurs in the midst of a larger group of business and pleasure seekers in the same hotel, from the world over, and are met in the lifts, in the lobby, or over the same buffet bowl you’re collecting food from.

Next it’s off to not just the same hospital, it could be any or all of thre OHI is working in. Of course, once leaving the hotel, you might find yourself to be the only one that can speak English! Once in the hospital, the day’s workplace, that you try very hard not to get lost in, there is the rewarding experience of the cardiac procedure planned for the day. Sometimes elation, and sadly sometimes heartbreak. Often endless little complications to solve.

By the end of the day, no doubt feeling a little exhausted from the work and of course the heat, our little OHI Aussie Battler from reconnects with his or her entire OHI family of 45 to go share a dinner. Here the tales will be told of the day, and plans created in advance for more successful outcomes the following day. I guess you can imagine all those extra unfamiliar little inputs that occur for each individual in Yangon, sometimes makes each day seem equivalent to a familiar week at home.

Left photo: Theatre Nurse Pam Reid: contemplating what’s next, or maybe she is having a little nano nap?

Right photo: Look at that! Pam’s revitalised in seconds! Told you the OHI crew were resilient.

theatre pam

Left photo: You’re showing off now Pam if you reckon you’re better than four male nurses, ha ha..

Right photo: Quite likely one will observe something absurb everyday in Yangon. It’s a colourful city! The pictures show a father riding through an outdoor hospital corrdior, at the Yangon General Hospital, while talkin on his mobile.

team bike

Tags:  Myanmar,