Posted on 2 November, 2013

Myanmar Myanmar

Our trip to Yangon has come to an end today, time to head home and get back to work in Australia.. We could easily spend a few more weeks here helping out on the cardiac ward and in ICU. Each morning we were greeted with smiling faces and warm welcomes. The children are what has made this trip really special for me, all of them have a place in our hearts. They bounce back so quickly from surgery and are feeling better now they have their heart defects corrected. would love to come back next year and meet some of the children who we cared for and see how much they have changed since this trip.

The staff at Yankin Children’s Hospital made us feel at home and were very appreciative of our help and how we have added to their already existing cardiac program. We have developed a great working relationship with all of the staff over the past week.

Not all of the team escaped without ‘Burma Belly’ but they are making a speedy recovery as we head for home!

Before we left this morning we popped in to say goodbye to the children and spent some time painting nails, blowing bubbles and taking photos. We have had an amazing week with lots of laughs and an appreciation for how lucky we truly are. The team as a whole are from all over the world and we came together for the same good cause, and experience that has been unforgettable.

Myanmar Myanmar

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