Posted on 19 June, 2013

This post is by Melanie Windus, Project Coordinator – Fiji.

Open Heart International celebrated a milestone on Monday, with our 700th patient in Fiji receiving surgery.

Savenaca is lucky number 700. He is 21 years old and a boat mechanic on the outer lying resort island of Beqa Island. He loves his job but about 12 months ago he started to get short of breath. He found that he was really tired, some thought he looked lazy as he wanted to sleep all the time. He tried his hardest to keep working and did most of the time, but he kept getting sick.

Finally when he went to the hospital, he found out he had a problem with his heart.

“I met Dr Susan (OHI Cardiologist) in March and she told me the [surgical] team was coming in May. I was looking forward to meeting them. Now I have had the surgery, I am now good” he told us. “Not too much pain, but I know I will get better.

We wish you all the best Savenaca, and hope you are back looking after the boats in no time!

The 700th cardiac patient in Fiji post surgery The 700th cardiac patient in Fiji post surgery

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