Posted on 9 May, 2013

This post is by Fiona Hyde, Project Coordinator – Cambodia.

With a few hours to spare, we took a wander around Angkor Hospital for Children. This is what we found:

Cambodian Emergency and Outpatient Department Cambodian Emergency and Outpatient Department closed for the day

A very busy Emergency and Outpatient Department. In fact Angkor Hospital for Children reviews 400 children per day who come here from all over Cambodia to receive free healthcare. After closing hours the families remaining to be seen will camp on the benches outside the department under mosquito nets provided by the hospital.

Kitchen facilities for patient's families Cambodia older siblings look after the younger siblings

Many families of the children who are admitted camp within the hospital grounds during their childs stay. The hospital provides a cooking area for them to prepare make-shift meals as well as a small laundry. This means there is always brothers and sisters running around the grounds always wanting a little attention from us. Often the eldest child takes on the role of carer whilst Mum is with her sick child inside the hospital

Cambodia sign for not using an area for washing clothes Cambodia sign for not using an area for toileting

Some things are better said with pictures!

cambodia many light switches Cambodia sign for lost cat

Can anyone turn on the light for me please? Kitties are obviously very precious in Cambodia. This poster is just outside the hospital grounds.

cambodia meat market

Whoops – we have walked too far outside the hospital. Back to work we go!

Tags:  Cambodia,