Posted on 30 March, 2014

Once upon a time in a land far, far away were two recovery nurses that started their days work at the Scheer Memorial Hospital. What do they do all day, you ask? Well, let us tell you!

After our daily power walk through the lively streets of Banepa to work, we are greeted by the smiling faces of our first two patients of the day and of course our fabulous patient liaison officer Judy! We warm them up with blankets and cuddles and watch them spring up onto the theatre bed and off they go for their life changing surgery!

volunteers ward

We next see them about an hour later when they get wheeled back into our modest little recovery room. We are down to the basics here with only a monitor, oxygen cylinder and one suction canister! We work together to set the patient up and make sure they are safe. Regular observations and filling out our paperwork are all part of the job. As recovery nurses though, we are privileged to witness the first smiles and realisations of these women as they become aware of the fact they no longer have their debilitating condition.

Yesterday we looked after two very smiley, sweet sisters who were next to each other in the recovery room. When they realised their ‘didi’ was next to them, they both extended their hands out to hold on to each other and had the biggest smiles sprawled across their faces.

We hope that you have gained some insight into our very rewarding days in recovery at the Scheer Memorial Hospital from the two recovery nurses, Dinah and Cherie.

nepaliandvolunteer nepaliwomen

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