Posted on 15 July, 2013

Did 2 weeks really go that fast?? Packing up the unused medical supplies for next year. Now its time for the photos, thankyou speeches, final payment to hotel… Its always an emotional time as we near the end. Especially saying goodbye to the patients, their families, the staff at the Scheer. As the leader of this time, its such an honour to work with such a committed and talent group of medical volunteers. Many use their annual leave and savings to attend these trips. We’ll take the memories home with us to Australia. Amongst the consumerism and road rage of the western world, the memories of Nepal will be an oasis in our minds as we recall the images of Virginia caring for patients in recovery. We will remember watching David, Mathema & Rebecca restoring dignity to the victims of fire. Maurie & Estelle who could be viewing Lake Macquarie in rocking chairs but instead use their retirement savings serving others. Jiro, who travels from Japan each year, joining Stephanie & Tony to anaesthetize our patients with skill. David & Nat Crews who made this experience part of their honeymoon (an accountant who morphed into a skilled theatre wardsman, and a physio who was always there when needed). And to all the others who tirelessly worked without complaint, thank you ….. planning for 2014 has commenced.

Maurie fixing equipment in Nepal the team with patients in Nepal everyone using their hands to help in Nepal Some of the patients and team in Nepal

Tags:  burns-surgery,