Posted on 24 February, 2014


Biomedical equipment technicians are an essential part of the Myanmar Open Heart International Team. They are electro-mechanical technicians that can install, maintain, repair, calibrate, and modify equipment we use here in Yangon. We have two of them on the trip with us. James McCauley, a long timer of these trips to Myanmar. He can be seen in the picture above explaining something to a Burmese Medical Officer. The other Biomed, is a first timer by the name of Arne Pedersen. Welcome Arne. I asked Arne ‘how it was all going?’ The following was his first impressions…

“Certainly your best skills come in handy when repairing equipment here! There are always challenges in finding what is around. To find whatever it takes to get a piece of equipment working, Especially when the exact parts are not available. Then there are outside factors such as the gas supply, or lack of it, that contribute to the working day’s level of difficulty. However, at the end of the day, when the ‘mission is accomplished’, you certainly feel satisfied!’

(left photo) Arne Pedersen gets out the screw drivers. Time to get the ventilator working.

arne theatre

In the picture above (right), it looks like the old friends are at it again! Anaesthetist, Dr. Paul Wajon, showing Project Coordinator, Chris Waite, the door, if he keeps playing on his mobile and distracting Arne from his work. (joke)

Best Regards To All
from the Myanmar Open Heart International Team

Tags:  Myanmar,