Posted on 25 November, 2021

“I knew about prolapse but I didn’t have the appropriate knowledge and skills for examination and management of the case.”

Ranjita is an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in Nepal. For three years she has been providing antenatal care, postnatal care, nutrition and immunisation services in her local health facility. But Ranjita and her colleagues never received training around uterine prolapse. They knew the condition existed but did not know how to diagnose or treat prolapse.

“Such cases did present in the health facilities previously, but none of us had uterine prolapse training so we could not provide any kind of service to them,” Ranjita says. “Instead, we had to refer them elsewhere, even for screening and diagnosis.”

But earlier this year, Ranjita received Uterine Prolapse Prevention, Management and Primary Treatment training through Open Heart International, in collaboration with local partners ADRA Nepal and Bagmati Welfare Society Nepal. Now, she knows what to look for and can help diagnose cases at her local health facility.

This Christmas you can help train more nurses like Ranjita. Donate online now.

Ranjita (left) with a patient

“After taking the training, I now examine and screen women for uterine prolapse cases,” says Ranjita. “I am able to distinguish the degree of prolapse and can manage the non-surgical cases at the health facility. Now, I refer only those cases who are identified as requiring surgery or of a degree that is unable to be managed through pessary and other conservative management strategies.”

Ranjita is actively engaging female community health volunteers (FCHV) to spread the word about the local health facility’s uterine prolapse services. It is her hope that no woman in her community is needlessly suffering the pain of uterine prolapse when, thanks to the training Ranjita has received through Open Heart International, the health facility is equipped to help.

“I am happy that the range of reproductive health services I regularly provide to the community has expanded and I can serve more women,” Ranjita says.

“I feel immensely satisfied that not only am I serving more women who would otherwise have to be referred, but also that my own clinical skill has been enhanced in one more area of reproductive morbidities.”

Ranjita is grateful for the training she received

While Ranjita is thrilled to have gained this knowledge so she can help more women, she is eager to see more nurses just like her receive the same training so they can impact more people.

“If other nurses could also be trained then the service is not dependent on just one person in the entire health facility team,” she says. “I would like to thank the project for giving me this opportunity and suggest they train at least two nurses per health facility to ensure continuity of the services.”

You can help train more nurses and help more women with uterine prolapse in Nepal. Donate online now.