
The team have landed!

The team of 20 volunteers have arrived safe and sound in PNG ready for a week worth of cardiac surgery

Final words for Fiji 2017

Melanie Windus, Project Coordinator has some final words on the 2017 OHI Fiji project.

An amazing week

Dr Subodh Ganu is a paediatric Intensivist from South Australia, who has had the pleasure of joining the OHI team for a second time.

A jolly good time

Krystal Jolly is a first time volunteer with Open Heart International and reflects on the past weeks experience.

Special Reminder

The Fiji project is always a special reminder for our volunteers

Challenges Conquered

After a number of hiccups along the way, the team are powering full steam ahead – unstoppable!

20th and final trip to Fiji for Dr David Baines

David Baines has been a long-term volunteer of Open Heart International and it is his final trip to Fiji after attending 20 projects.

Screening team return from FIji

Last week a team of seven volunteers travelled to Fiji to complete the screening in time for the surgical team in June.

Patients are coming from far and wide

Jakaya Kiwere Cardiac Institute is the biggest national referral Hospital.

Same cause

The team are back in Dar es Salaam and are partnering with Mending Kids this project