Mar 17

The Open Line Newsletter – March 2022

A message from Annette Baldwin, Interim Operations Coordinator “I am excited for what lies ahead for us and hope that you will continue to stay on this journey with Open …

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Jun 19

Don’t show me the money, show me the truth

As Christians, our task is to be light in the darkest places. We do all that we do in service to our great God. We do it in His strength …

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Mar 13

Cycling for Syria

Between7-9 March, 41cyclists participatedin the Queenstown Classic in New Zealand, a cycling fundraising event organised by 25000spins to raise money for charity. Of these, 26 fundraisedfor ADRA to helpSyrian refugee …

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Aug 16

Friendships Bloom In ADRA’s Community Gardens

Cannington Community Garden –by Sarina Taituave I recently attended the Cannington Church Camp in Western Australia to celebrate my brother-in-law’s 40th birthday. My husband Jeremy and I had been through …

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May 01

Nepal: “We need food and shelter”

“We need food and shelter. There is nothing left in our village!” says Rami. She is from Lapa village in Dhading, close to the earthquake’s epicentre. The earthquake flattened her …

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