Monthly Archives: February 2016

Fiji Cyclone: Aid begins to flow but more needed

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) today has begun its relief efforts in earnest following Tropical Cyclone Winston. “Getting food to families is the most urgent need at the […]


The project has come to an end with all volunteers returning home to Australia

Fiji: Navesau Teacher can still manage a smile

“At least I have free air conditioning now.” Talk about looking on the bright side. John is a teacher from Navesau on Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island. During the wild […]

An unusual start to the day

Wednesday started off a little different to most days, with an earthquake before we even left the room for breakfast. It was only a 4.5 but from the 15thfloor we […]


It is day three in Myanmar with plenty happening around the different hospitals

Fiji: Family now sleeping in their car

“This is my first time to experience such a devastating hurricane. It was very devastating and very frightening.” Kalisito and his wife Francis came home from church with their four […]

Hello from Myanmar!

After all the team arrived safely on Sunday we met together for dinner which was hosted by several of the doctors from the Military hospital. The next morning, with great […]

Fiji in the dark following Winston

Twenty-four hours after Cyclone Winston smashed Fiji the full picture of the destruction remains unknown.Power, water, communication, roads and other vital infrastructure remain cut and many parts of the country, […]

Fiji Braces for Cyclone Winston

A category fivetropical cyclonebearing down on Fiji threatens to devastate the country. Urgent assistance is needed. Donate now. Cyclone Winston is travelling westward and is predicted to make landfall early […]

1000km Ride Raises $70,000

One day intotheir epic adventure – riding a thousand kilometres in ten days on a tandem bicycle – Louise and Nat Ginn had doubts. “After day one I wasn’t sure […]