
A Word from Perfusion

Hayden Dando reflects on being a perfusionist with OHI

Kondo Returns

Kondo has a second operation with the OHI team.

Lending a Hand

Our Intensive Care doctors lend a hand to the local paediatric surgeons.

The Anaesthetics Team

Our amazing anaesthetics team are the first team to help our patients.

The Welcoming

The team and the welcome party at the Yacht Club.

The Main Team Arrives

The main team has landed in Port Moresby.

The Selection Decisions

The tough decisions on who receives surgery

Second Day of Setup

Setting up and preparing in Port Moresby Hospital on day 2.

Educating the Locals

Trying to create a self-sufficient program in Papua New Guinea.

Arriving in Papua New Guinea

The early team has arrived to unpack and start teaching.