Help more Women today Help even more women escape a life of pain, shame and hopelessness. You can stop uterine prolapse in its tracks. Saili Devi didn’t want to give up hope. Even after 15 years of pain she believed that one day things would change. But with family, friends, and even the health professionals she trusted, telling her to give up what other option did she have? Under this cone of suffering and silence, it’s no wonder this preventable and treatable condition continues generation after generation. Do you want to help even more women like Saili Devi escape a life of pain, shame, and hopelessness? For as little as $30 you can not only help treat the condition but prevent it – and stop uterine prolapse in its tracks. Give Now. Today, you can change the lives of even more women like Saili Devi – and you don’t even have to travel. In fact, thanks to our partnership with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Nepal much of this vital work can still be carried out, despite the challenges of COVID-19. But without vital funds this may not be able to continue. Your gift today can not only provide uterine prolapse surgery for women like Saili Devi who live every day in pain, but also train more Nepali clinicians and support more community health workers to protect even more women from developing the condition in the first place. Imagine if we could not only treat more women like Saili Devi, but do more to stop it happening in the first place. Your gift today can do just that! Please give your gift of $30, $60, $120 or a very generous $300 right now. Click here to Donate now. Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. If donations received exceed those needed, Open Heart International will reallocate the surplus funds to a similar project or within the country or project type you’ve chosen. Open Heart International collects personal information and sensitive information to help provide relevant service and communication to Open Heart International supporters. If you do not wish to receive communication from Open Heart International, please notify us by phone, mail or email. You can view our Privacy Policy here.