Your Legacy is Their Future

With your help, we can bring life-saving surgery to disadvantaged communities around the globe. You can rest assured that your thoughtful gift will be used carefully and wisely to make the most positive impact in the lives of others.

Please contact us on 02 9480 9295 to learn more or to notify your intent to leave a Gift in your Will to Open Heart International. Your desire to make a difference will live on for years to come.

What We Do

Our purpose is to facilitate medical best practice in vulnerable communities to transform lives.

With our teams of highly specialised medical volunteers, we bring life-saving surgery to disadvantaged communities around the globe. But we don’t just fly in and fly out. Our volunteers train local healthcare professionals to strengthen capacity and expand their expertise in screening, surgery and post operative care. We also equip local hospitals with thousands of dollars of equipment, so they have the tools as well as the necessary training to continue life-saving work long after our teams return home.

Open Heart International is a division of ADRA Australia, in partnership with Adventist Healthcare, Sydney Adventist Hospital. Highly specialised teams of medical professionals are deployed to bring life-saving surgery, training, capacity strengthening surgical programs, and medical equipment to vulnerable communities around the world.

Recommended Wording

Recommended wording: “to Open Heart International, a division of Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia Limited of 146 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales [ABN: 85 109 435 618] to be applied under the direction of its Board of Directors for its charitable purposes (in the strict legal sense).”

Benefits of Having a Will

We understand that making a Will is a sensitive and personal process. A valid Will is crucial in making sure that your wishes are known and carried out after you have gone. Without a valid Will your estate will be settled according to the applicable laws of intestacy in the jurisdiction where your assets are located when you pass away.

Helping Prepare Your Will

It is advised that you discuss your intentions with your family and loved ones. Once you have done this, meet with your solicitor or trust officer. If you have decided to include Open Heart International as a beneficiary, we offer some suggested wording to help your solicitor or trust officer in articulating your wishes. See our recommended wording above.

There are three main types of gifts our supporters often choose to leave with Open Heart International:

  1. Residuary Bequest
    After making provisions for your family and loved ones, you can leave all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate to Open Heart International.
  2. Percentage of your Estate
    You may nominate a certain percentage, from 1% to 100%, of your estate to Open Heart International.
  3. Specific Bequest
    You may choose to leave a specific sum of money, or a particular item, such as real estate, shares, artwork, or other valuable belongings.



146 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales


85 109 435 618