Posted on 18 June, 2018

It’s hard to believe that it is all nearly over. It really did zoom by with the usual organised chaos that comes with operating in Fiji. Many of us have worked together, but there are always lots of new team members. By the end of the surgery week, we all seemed to be in sync with each other as a team. If we didn’t have family that would miss us, and a job to go home to, maybe we could contemplate staying a little longer.

The hotel and the hospital now feel empty. The surgical and ICU teams have departed, and there is now just a few of us left to finalise things today, before the project visit officially concludes.


In all, 30 patients have received surgery, and all patients are doing well. The discharges have begun and will continue in the coming days, as we handover to the capable local team of clinicians.

It is hard to for me to explain and to put into words the deep appreciation that is felt by the patients and the wider community here. They are so grateful to the team, but also to you – our network of donors and supporters that make it happen. You really do help us, help others.


To all the team, I hope you have enjoyed your Fiji experience and want to be involved again in 2019 in Fiji or one of OHI’s many other locations. Thank you for your professionalism and passion for helping those who have little hope for a bright future without our assistance.


Tags:  Fiji,